
Watch this space for release announcements for InstaWP

v2.35.0: Improved 2-way Sync, Custom InstaWP Live Plans & more


⚡ Dynamic Language Dropdown in profile page

⚡ Custom plans for InstaWP Live

⚡ Option to change Hosting subscription for all InstaWP Live sites

🔌 Navigation menu support in 2-way sync

🔌 Edge Cache purge support

🔌 Expand/Collapse to migration visibility



🔌 Update and Delete plugins/themes API

🔌 Push Migration table prefix issue

🔌 Event display and ordering (DESC) of 2-way sync sites

🔌 Display and ordering (DESC) of staging sites



⚡ LocalWP file downloading issue

🔌 File manager missing error

🔌 Auto-login issue caused due to blocking/modification by any plugin

🔌 Push Migration event logging

🔌 DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE constant support for push

🔌 2-way sync duplicate event logging

🔌 2-way sync plugin updates issue

🔌 Recording of product & orders events by 2-way sync

🔌 Recording of 2-way sync duplicate events.

🔌 An Elementor-related issue for 2-way sync

🔌 URL multi-parameter cache clearing issue

🔌 Various migration-related issues




⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin