
Watch this space for release announcements for InstaWP

All Announcements

v2.41.0: Staging backups, multisite subdomain for WaaS and more

New Release


⚡ Daily automated backup for all staging sites (our support team can restore)

⚡ Live auto-login notification settings.

⚡ End to End Multi-site is now supported by WaaS, sell multi-sites!

- Create a multisite staging

- Convert it into a monetized Template

- Build a WaaS using this template

- Map multisite domains to your WaaS

⚡ New Site Creation Dialog Box


Update Required notification for outdated InstaWP Connect

🔌 2 Way Sync API added to the Connect Plugin [for hosting partners]

🔌 Connect plugin can now be white labelled. [for hosting partners]

🔌 Settings to disable features/tabs in the connect plugin [for hosting partners]

🔌 Auto cache flushing in post-migration.



⚡ Added tax and company details to invoices (all future invoice, past can't be changed).

⚡ Display of Live credits on the Live subscription page 



⚡ Jetpack/Akismet can be now removed from InstaWP Live

🔌 WP CLI command and WordPress table prefix issue

🔌 .htaccess for URL path bug



⚡ - InstaWP App | 🔌 - Connect Plugin
